Right side had complete obstruction of the apical and posterior segments of the right upper lobe with a lobulated pink lesion that was biopsied. Mucosa was normal without erythema, edema, or excessive secretions. Posterior pharynx and vocal cords are visualized and felt to be free of lesion or abnormality. He was given Atropine and Codeine prior to going to the Bronchoscopy Suite.

PROCEDURE: Consent was obtained after the risks and benefits including bleeding and pneumothorax were described to the patient and the patient agreed to proceed with the procedure. Bronchoscopy is done to evaluate for lung cancer. INDICATIONS FOR PROCEDURE: Patient is a 75-year-old white male, a farmer, and a pipe smoker, who presents with a right upper lobe 4 cm lung lesion. MEDICATIONS GIVEN: Codeine 60 mg IM prior to procedure. POSTOPERATIVE DIAGNOSIS: Right upper lobe lung lesion. PREOPERATIVE DIAGNOSIS: Right upper lobe lung lesion. NAME OF PROCEDURE: Fiberoptic bronchoscopy with biopsy. Case 78 Procedure Report MULTIPLE CHOICE.